IT Asset Management
Understanding the inventory of IT assets, especially in today’s distributed, heterogeneous environments is a challenging task. Management of large server estates challenges even the most adept IT organization.Key Challenges
How to manage ballooning server estates (physical and virtual) without sacrificing the detail and timeliness required to make effective decisions
How to intelligently reduce volumes of data to only that which requires management attention
How to quickly visualize infrastructure status and risk from the enterprise-wide, CIO level to that of the system manager
Key Solution Requirements
Effective asset management begins with comprehensive coverage of an organizations servers hardware and software. The key elements of this type of solution are as follows:
Leverage of the same low-footprint, easily installed agent used in the existing performance management and capacity planning solutions, to capture and transmit asset information to a common database
Capture not only hardware configuration data, but software installation, patch-level, licensing, and use data
Automate daily collection, analysis, and notification of asset changes
Incorporate extensive, easy-to-use ad hoc reporting features
The PerfCap Solution
FindIT is a web-based enterprise level Asset Management and Configuration Change Tracking Software. It provides centralized and automatic inventory control of system hardware, software and licenses. In addition, its flexible design allows you to track and report non-discoverable fixed assets such as hand held devices, mobile phones, printers, fax machines etc. Assets can be grouped by their location, department, project and/or owner. They may be assigned predefined or custom properties.
IT professionals can make timely and informative business decisions using FindIT inventory and change reports. FindIT automatically detects applications on corporate servers, tracking software licenses for compliance. Its unique Application Metering feature can provide frequency of application usage on any server, helping to reduce software licensing and support cost by removing applications that are not frequently used on corporate servers.
FindIT provides enterprise level reports such as – number of servers by platforms, available vs used processing power or storage space, most and least utilized servers to balance workload
PerfCap FindIT addresses these chief challenges of IT Asset Management:
Full coverage without sacrificing data detail and quality
Comprehensive Hardware and software configuration analysis
Detail configuration change analysis
Flexible reporting
Key features of the FindIT solution include:
Low-footprint, easily-installed agent enables extensive coverage of IT assets
Multiple dimensions of asset information captured: hardware configuration, software installation, software patch levels, software licensing, software usage
Asset data automatically analyzed daily to recognize and report asset changes
Common asset database
Extensive, simple to configure ad hoc reporting
By automating the Asset Management and Change Tracking process, IT professionals can focus on solving important business problems
Product Trial
Download a full featured trial of:
PAWZ with PAWZCloud
Agent-less data collection: Uses VMware VI API
Enterprise, Datacenter, Cluster and Host views
Multi-level view of Guest and Service provisioning
Long term resource usage projections
Detect Over and Under provisioned guests
Guest provisioning problem identification, analysis and advice