Product Training
Performance and capacity management requires a modest level of expertise. PerfCap offers training both methodology and PerfCap tool operation. Training may be customized and delivered on-site. Or a customer may attend training classes delivered at PerfCap’s headquarters in Nashua, New Hampshire. PerfCap training is sold and delivered on a syllabus basis. The customer-specific syllabus will define training deliverables and scope.PerfCap training falls into the following categories:
PAWZ User – for performance and capacity analysts using the PAWZ tool
PAWZ Operator/Deployment – for those deploying and maintaining PAWZ
Performance Management Methodology and Tools – for those desiring to acquire both performance analysis and management expertise and PerfCap tool usage skills
Capacity Planning Methodology and Tools – for those desiring to acquire both capacity planning and modeling expertise and PerfCap tools usage skills
Advanced Capacity Planning Using PerfCap Tools – for those requiring in-depth training in analytical modeling techniques using PerfCap modeling tools
FindIT – for users and those deploying PerfCap FindIT
Product Trial
Download a full featured trial of:
PAWZ with PAWZCloud
Agent-less data collection: Uses VMware VI API
Enterprise, Datacenter, Cluster and Host views
Multi-level view of Guest and Service provisioning
Long term resource usage projections
Detect Over and Under provisioned guests
Guest provisioning problem identification, analysis and advice