Capacity Planning
Managing the performance of computer systems, especially in today’s distributed, heterogeneous environments is a challenging task. Management of large server estates challenges even the most adept IT organizationKey Challenges
How to manage ballooning server estates (physical and virtual) without sacrificing the detail and timeliness required to make effective decisions
How to intelligently reduce volumes of data to only that which requires management attention
How to quickly visualize infrastructure status and risk from the enterprise-wide, CIO level to that of the system manager
Key Solution Requirements
A comprehensive capacity planning methodology must bring capacity planning to the entire server estate without requiring the redundant efforts of a large highly-skilled staff
Incorporate the same data and data capture mechanism used by a performance management solution (no new agents, data collectors, etc.)
Evaluate operational capacity and remaining capacity headroom using sophisticated analytical modeling techniques. These models determine server capacity based on user responsiveness, rather than secondary performance indicators such as resource utilizations or demands
Automate capacity headroom analysis for each server; project risk of headroom exhaustion, and notify performance management personnel when the level of risk requires attention
Provide integrated tools to allow the capacity planner to investigate “what-if” modeling of a wide variety of scenarios for mitigating projected risks
The PerfCap Solution
Performance Analysis Web Zone (PAWZ) from PerfCap Corporation meets the challenges that IS managers face by providing a secure, Web-based capacity planning of the IT infrastructure. PAWZ allows users to view and analyze historical performance data as a basis to model the future, whether historical or real-time, via an Internet/intranet connection using a Web browser. With a simple connection and password, you can view high-level or detailed forecast of system performance information, including major system components
PerfCap PAWZ addresses the chief challenges of enterprise capacity planning:
Full coverage without sacrificing data detail and quality
Clear forecast of the expected user experience
Concise, targeted and timely notification
Key features of the PAWZ solution include:
Automated daily capacity forecasting for all servers, not simply those you may think need capacity management
Visualize capacity risk status in a single view
Plan based on projected system responsiveness, rather than secondary performance indicators
Perform realistic capacity planning with limited business forecast data
Integrated tools to perform detailed “what-if” performance modeling
Easily scale to 10,000s of servers
By automating the capacity planning process, IT professionals can focus on solving important business problems
Product Trial
Download a full featured trial of:
PAWZ with PAWZCloud
Agent-less data collection: Uses VMware VI API
Enterprise, Datacenter, Cluster and Host views
Multi-level view of Guest and Service provisioning
Long term resource usage projections
Detect Over and Under provisioned guests
Guest provisioning problem identification, analysis and advice