PAWZ Server w/ PAWZCloud
Managing the performance of computer systems, especially in today’s distributed, heterogeneous and virtual environments, is a challenging task. Performance Analysis Web Zone (PAWZ) from PerfCap Corporation meets the challenges that IS Managers face by providing secure, web-based performance management of the IT infrastructure. PAWZ allows users to view and analyze performance data, whether historical or real-time, via an Internet/intranet connection using a web browser. Simply by logging into PAWZ you can view enterprise-level summary reports down to very detailed system level performance information, build what-if capacity planning scenarios and more.
The PAWZ (Performance Analysis Web Zone) Server is the key component of PerfCap’s Performance analysis and Capacity Planning products. It runs on Windows 2003/2008 using Microsoft SQL Server for data storage and Internet Information Server (IIS) for web publishing.
PAWZ Server requests and processes performance and capacity data from the PAWZ clients. It then web-publishes a large variety of performance, exception and capacity reports and graphs. When performance exceptions are detected, the PAWZ Server sends alerts via e-mail.
PAWZ Server runs daily capacity planning models for each monitored system to generate saturation analysis graphs, device utilization projections that detect bottlenecks, the remaining headroom and headroom trends.
PAWZ Server has PAWZCloud; web-based capacity and performance management insight for large virtual infrastructures. Resource usage, capacity status, and future projections may be viewed from the enterprise, data center, cluster, host and guest levels. Key resource dimensions of virtual infrastructure monitored, analyzed, reported and projected include CPU, Memory, Network, SAN Storage Space, Bandwidth, and Latency.
PAWZ Server PAWZCloud shows provisioning status of services associated with virtual machines at a glance. Problems detected with guest provisioning automatically generating analysis and advice reports.
Since PAWZ Server with PAWZCloud is web based, there is no limit to the number of concurrent users.
Features in PAWZ Server:
Agent-less Collector – Runs on any Windows server and interacts with VMware VI to capture host performance data
PAWZCloud – PAWZ Server receives data from PAWZCloud Remote Collectors, archives it into a SQL Server database, and generates web viewable interactive reports
PAWZCloud Analyzer – Runs on the PAWZCloud Server to analyze collected data, detect current issues, project future resource usage, and provide analysis and advice interactively and via e-mail
“What-If” Analysis
Enterprise, data center, cluster and host views of key virtual infrastructure resources
Multi-level view of guest and service provisioning
Long-term resource usage projections
Detection of under-utilized resources and protection against over-provisioned guests
Guest provisioning problem identification, analysis, and recommendations
Uses standard VMware® VI API for data collection
Fully automated performance reporting tool
Automated Capacity Planning
Secure Web based view of performance information from any system, anywhere
Common data collection for Performance management and Capacity Planning
Silent installation support for deploying installations over thousands of systems
Secure Web based view of historical performance information
Detailed evaluation of system’s CPU, Memory and I/O
Analyze short and long term trends to study risk potential
Provide senior management status of system risk potential
Real time reporting available for all system performance metrics
Real time access to system information
Analyze multiple systems simultaneously
Continuous up-to-the-minute view of system performance
Large list of system attributes can be accessed using a simple pull-down list
Automatic notification of real time performance problems
Automatic summary report notification of non-real time performance problems
Easily define thresholds
Allows the receiver to take action before system performance degrades
Anticipate when performance will exceed thresholds
Provides an efficient way to view systems experiencing performance problems
Notifications/reports emailed or sent to pagers for one or more users
Automated daily capacity forecasting for all servers, not simply those you may think need capacity management
Visualize capacity risk status in a single view
Plan based on projected system responsiveness, rather than secondary performance indicators
Perform realistic capacity planning with limited business forecast data
Integrated tools to perform detailed “what-if” performance modeling
Easily scale to 10,000s of servers
Product Trial
Download a full featured trial of:
PAWZ with PAWZCloud
Agent-less data collection: Uses VMware VI API
Enterprise, Datacenter, Cluster and Host views
Multi-level view of Guest and Service provisioning
Long term resource usage projections
Detect Over and Under provisioned guests
Guest provisioning problem identification, analysis and advice